Ladies, go from Yawn to Yay in 10 minutes! We have curated 4 super-easy yoga poses you can do in your pyjamas!
#1 – Easy Spinal Twist or Supta Matsyendrasana:
When you’re still a little groggy, this one will feel really simple:
– Lie still on your back. Inhale and bend your knees such that your feet are flat on the bed
– Exhale and twist your hips, lowering your knees on the left side, keeping them bent
– Straighten your arms in line with your shoulder. Look towards your right palm
– Take a few deep breaths and stay in the position for a few seconds
– Repeat with the legs bent towards the right and head turned to the left
Why is it awesome?
• Stretches and relaxes your spine
• Strengthens your abdomen and removes toxins
• Helps in healthy digestion
#2 – Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana:
To get you prepped up for a hectic day, move on to this calming pose that stimulates the body with prana (life force).
– Lie on your back with your knees bent
– Spread out your thighs and raise your knees up, holding your feet or big toe
– Gently rock your body while pushing your feet into your hands
– After a few seconds, release your hands and relax
Why is it awesome?
• Elongates your lower back and gives a good hip stretch
• Stretches inner thighs, groin, and knees
• Releases stress and calms the mind
#3 Seated Forward Bend or Paschimottanasana:
While doing lying down asanas forever would be great, for this one, you’ve got to gradually sit on your bed.
– Stretch your legs forward in front of you
– Inhale and slowly bring your arms above your head
– As you exhale, bend forward from your hips bringing your arms in line with the head
– Lengthen your spine and place your hands anywhere on your legs. If it’s comfortable, touch your toes. You can bend your knees slightly if you feel pain in the back
– Let your head rest in between your arms and breathe normally
– Inhale and come back up. Relax.
Why is it awesome?
• Stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings
• Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
• Enhances digestion
#4 Cat Stretch or Marjariasana:
Sleeping like a cat all day long is so much fun, but stretching like a cat does wonders to your mood too!
– Get down on all fours.
– Ensure your wrists are in line with your shoulders, and knees are hip distance apart
– Inhale and pull your spine upwards. Look at your navel
– Exhale and pull your belly down. Look at the ceiling. Repeat for 5 to 10 times
Why is it awesome?
• Enhances posture and balance
• Strengthens spine and neck
• Stretches hips, abdomen and back
• Stimulates kidneys and adrenal glands
So, girls, swap your phone checking habit for these few asanas and you’re sure to have a better day and even better Zzzz’s at night!