A brand new manifesto, a radically different identity and a fresh new look is what Zivame is sporting this April. To add to this celebratory month, we have a fun new television commercial!
The TVC takes the path less trodden and introduces ‘bra’ in a conversation between two friends. One friend is dejected thinking nothing suits her body type and the other friend makes her realize that with the right bra, she can flaunt any outfit! Simple, right? Instead of glamour shots and provocative poses, a meaningful conversation is exactly what we need as encouragement to build the right bra wardrobe which can be paired with various outfits for a seamless and confident look.
The present-day woman is confident and ambitious with the power to conquer the world. But with that said, her relationship with her bra leaves much to be desired. Bras are the one piece of clothing closest to our hearts (literally as well, because well, they’re like a second skin) and play a remarkable role in our lives. But, we often tend to ignore them, get embarrassed by them, and avoid talking about them.
Zivame challenges that. Through our TVC, we want to tell women that lingerie is not an imposition. Rather, it’s a true enabler of style and body flair. The fact that women should expand their bra wardrobes and enjoy wearing whatever they desire with the right innerwear, is exactly what our campaign is all about.
The #PairItRight campaign is the first step in the journey to creating infinite, exciting and personal experiences – for women in the intimate-wear sphere – to look great in multiple outfits and to discover their body confidence. Because only with that confidence can one love oneself inside out.
View our hot off the press TVC here.