If you have ever wished your periods away to escape the discomfort, you are not alone! Most women are no strangers to menstrual health issues. Either we suffer from it personally or have witnessed our friends or family members deal with it every month. PMS, debilitating cramps, heavy periods, irregular periods have become common these days.
That makes us wonder why there isn’t enough buzz around menstrual health? Along with conversations around menstrual hygiene, it is equally important to address menstrual health. Why is it important? How do you deal with PMS? What to do if your periods are uncomfortable? What are the repercussions if they become irregular? How can you fix it? Are there any natural ways to heal your body? When it comes to Menstrual health, remember to not ignore any symptoms and always ask questions.
The good news is that we are here to give you solutions by introducing you to ‘&Me’, a women’s health brand that will take care of your menstrual health, naturally. These supplements are powered by the goodness of nature, ayurvedic herbs and essential micronutrients. The best part is that they are free of preservatives, added flavours & colours, and refined sugar in addition to being gluten free and vegan by nature! Be it problems related to PCOS, PMS, obesity, UTI or overall wellness- ‘&Me’ has solutions for them all! Let’s start by talking about a few common menstrual health issues and natural supplements by ‘&Me’ that will help solve them.
PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome affects many young Indian women today. Irregular periods or its absence is one of the first tell-tale signs. If not handled properly, it may lead to infertility. That’s not all. It can cause anxiety, stress, weight gain, hair fall, skin problems and a slew of health problems during pregnancy. Did you know that PCOS can be managed just by making lifestyle changes and introducing natural supplements into your diet? That’s exactly what the PCOS drink does! ‘&Me’ PCOS drink is made of a unique blend that balances hormones. It has 24 essential micronutrients and 5 Ayurvedic herbs that nourish your hormones and help in their proper functioning. With this drink you can manage your weight, regulate your periods, boost your metabolism and immunity, naturally.
As discussed above, hormonal issues can wreak havoc on your body, cause excessive weight gain, affect your health and your self-confidence. If you are looking to achieve a healthy weight, then the &Me GoSlim drink can be a real lifesaver. This drink is made of plant-based pea protein along with 5 Ayurvedic herbs and 12 Micro-nutrients known to manage weight and naturally nourish your body. Of course, for best results adopt a healthier diet and some exercise along with the Goslim drink for desired weight loss.
Another issue that plagues us ladies is UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. Using public toilets or having poor intimate hygiene can cause this uncomfortable, itchy and painful problem. Fight UTI naturally with the &Me UTI drink. This Cranberry PAC A rich UTI drink helps with itchiness, dryness and pain. The 5 super herbs formula soothes the intimate area and reduces itching while the essential vitamins and minerals replenish the nutrition caused by frequent urination. Why go another route when you can heal naturally with ‘&Me’?
Ladies, develop a better understanding of your menstrual health by discussions, research and choosing the right supplements. Manage your menstrual health with ‘&Me’ supplements that nourish your body naturally. Head to Zivame and bring home your favourite ‘&Me’ supplements today!