We’re done cooping in, AMEN to that! The world has opened up to new possibilities in every sphere – romantic ones too! Staying in, Netflix and chilling was all very good. But couples now need a little more than that, something fresh that helps them connect with each other in a different setting. And beyond the four walls, romance is blooming! So, we’ve rustled up 5 romantic date ideas that are over and above your movie and a munch. Piqued your interest? Read on!
Take My Hand & a Hike
Even if you and your beau are indoor birds for the most part, just give this a try. Why? Because it is extremely romantic! Imagine this, you and your sweetheart trying to navigate a trail together, hands held, beautiful birds for company, literally walking into the sunset. Making it till the end falling, laughing – together. Even cupid couldn’t have done it better!

The Camp Connection
Speaking of nature, getting packed away for the weekend is a very cosy idea for two lovebirds. Put up a campsite with a majestic view of a lake near the hills or of the twinkling city below you. Light a fire, cosy in with a bottle of wine and a delicious dinner that you cook together. Whip out your playlist and jam to it, just the two of you. Talk your heart out until you nod off. We guarantee you’d wake up to a view you’d want to hold on to for the rest of your life!

Car Cuddles & Croutons
Did you know car picnics are a thing? It’s all over aesthetic. A really neat idea, you can pull up to wherever the view strikes! Open up the boot of your car to the view, put in everything that brings happiness. Blankets, a million pillows, fairy light and of course, your SO. Settle in, bring out your picnic basket and enjoy a decadent meal, basking in the pretty sights & each other’s love.

Be Mine While We Sip Wine
Two things that’ll always be classic in romance are roses and wine. Who doesn’t love a nice glass of chardonnay or perhaps, cabernet sauvignon? Going wine tasting is a sweet, sparkling idea. Yes, pun intended! Exchanging opinions, figuring out notes, the aroma itself – all extremely sensual and aphrodisiacal. Catered to your preferences, you’ll not only be tipsy off flavourful wine, but off each other as well. (Wink* wink*)

Canoeing Down the Love Lake
Any Nicholas Sparks fan’s number 1 romantic date idea would involve a canoe, rightfully so! It’s tender, full of old world charms, and the chemistry? Like electricity between the two of you. We can hear the romantic score in the background as you’d slowly row through a placid lake. The only conversations flowing between the two pairs of eyes. Birds calling, the water sloshing and then you both wait, huddled together for the sun to come up. If that’s not a romantic date, we don’t know what is!
ddled together

All you love-struck couples out there, don’t miss this chance. Pick one or all of these ideas, add your own thoughts and act them out. First step, get the romantic Zivame bralettes off your Wishlist and into your wardrobe! Maybe even a few athleisure pieces too? You’ll look great no matter what you choose. So, go spread your love, share beautiful moments and strengthen your bond more than ever. We’ll be sighing into a pillow now, BRB!