Made a resolution to be more fit in 2017, but a hectic schedule coming in your way? Don’t worry, there’s no need to change your fitness plans. We’re here to help you get that toned body you wanted this year!
Sticking to your fitness goals can be tough, particularly when you don’t always have access to the right equipment and gear. We understand your dilemma! What you need is an equipment-free workout routine that doesn’t get messed up even when you’re on the move. Now, no more excuses, ‘cos we’ve got 5 easy moves you can do anytime, anywhere!
#1 Spiderman Plank
The master move to strengthen your core
Get fit like a superheroine with this move! How? Start in a plank position with your palms flat on the ground. Then, lift one leg and draw the knee towards your elbow on the same side. Return to the plank pose and repeat with the other leg. This move is great for working your core & strengthening your lower body!
#2 Glute-Bridge
The simplest way to the perfect butt
The glute-bridge is the best-known exercise to redefine your rear-side! Lay flat on your back, with your knees bent and lift your body up from the hips. Stay in this position for 30 seconds then bring yourself back down, and repeat.
#3 Windshield Wipers
Exercise the waistline-fat away
This move tones the bulging problem areas around the belly and waist and gives you a strong core. Lie flat on a mat and raise your legs up to form a right angle with your body. Now swing them from side to side, as though they are windshield wipers. Rotate, return, repeat!
#4 Standing Knee-Crunches
Bend your way to a bulge-free belly
Once upon a time, traditional crunches were the best known way to get washboard abs. Not anymore! Standing crunches are here to work your abdominal muscles. Stand up straight and place your palms on the back of your head; lower your left elbow while raising your right knee and then – crunch! Repeat with the other side.
#5 Chair Dips
Get ready to arm-wrestle
Struggling to exercise your arms without any weights? Here’s a strength move that you can do at-home without any dumbbells! Great for sexy sculpted arms, the chair-dip is like pretending to fall-off the edge of a chair and then heaving yourself back up, but in slow-motion!
Did you know that fashionable and functional workout wear can actually motivate you to exercise? Take a look at our Zelocity range – we’ve got some great workout wear, engineered for different types of workout. It’ll instantly put you in the mood to exercise!
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