We all started with the plain white training bras. Our well-meaning mothers bought them for us back then, but eventually it was time for us to choose our own style.
This is one of the most important events in a girls’ coming of age story and it takes place in holy land of womanhood – the lingerie store.
Choosing the right bra is akin to choosing a best friend; they give you support, complement your style and let you shine. So, why is it that some women gravitate towards certain styles over others? Did you know that the kind of bra you choose says a lot about your personal taste. If your bra could talk, what would it say about you? (Minus spilling your post sunset secrets, of course!) Read on to find out!
The Balconette Bra:
The balconette or shelf bra oozes class and fun. A balconette woman is proud to be feminine and delicate but a practical go-getter at the same time. Her secret stems from keeping it simple. She’s career-driven yet traditional and subtle in her personal life and balances both with ease.
The Pretty Push-up:
The push-up girl is proud of her womanhood and unabashed about her looks. She doesn’t shy away from deep necklines or body con dresses. She speaks her mind with confidence. And people around her? Well, they sit up and listen.
The Pretty & Padded:
This bra screams coy, which reflects the bundle of contradictions that the woman echoes. She’s an introvert and she’s brilliant. She’s not the kind that censors her thoughts or words. A padded woman will tell it like it is. She’s quirky and believes in being true to herself at all costs.
The Strapless Style:
This girl is out to have some fun. She loves adventure and is a spontaneous soul. You can try making plans in advance with her, but her best side (and stories) come from winging it. The strapless girl has tons of friends, but her best moments come from discovering the world on her own.
The Spunky Sports Bra:
A sports bra is safe, dependable and comfortable and the personality of the girl who wears it is no different. One look at this woman tells you that she’s full of life. She has the energy to do a hundred things without tiring through the day. Competitive in nature, she doesn’t just want to exist and go through her days – she wants to live!
The Classy Cage Bra:
A cage bra with its fun and sexy straps screams adventurous. She’s your girl next door with a quirky secret life. You think you know everything about her but the layers keep peeling off. She’s deeply self-aware and keen to squeeze every last drop out of life.
Which one are you?